Touchdown Jesus
There are so many great lessons to be learned during football season, wouldn't you say? Or maybe there is only one lesson: The lesson of ESPN (Ego Scores Painfully Nothing).
One of the prime conflicts in early Christianity, a conflict which has continued to this day, is the faith vs. works conflict. Does reaching the goal require works, or only faith?
The Apostle Paul argued that only faith is required. Paul wrote to the Romans: "For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from [independent of] works of the Law." (Romans 3:28)
The brother of Jesus, James, the disciple who for years led the followers of the Way in Jerusalem, answered: "You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone." (James 2:24)
As you might expect, theologians and scholars have attempted to reconcile these two viewpoints with all sorts of complicated intellectual spinning and twisting. But Jesus himself compares such mental efforts to children confusing themselves :
"We are not concerned with intellectual feats nor logical toys. We are dealing only in the very obvious, which has been overlooked in the clouds of complexity in which you think you think." (ACIM Lesson 39)
In his revelation for the 21st Century, A Course in Miracles, Jesus emphasizes again and again that there is nothing to do, and in fact your entire world of pain, sickness, suffering and death is created by doing.
"There is nothing you need do but wait ... and see what happens." We've repeated this guidance from our holy spirit so many times it's beginning to sound like a boring liturgy in danger of losing its meaning.
This is such a hard lesson to learn ... learning to do nothing ... isn't it? How many times have you asked our holy spirit, "What should I be doing? Should I be doing something?" Surely if you are clearly hearing your holy spirit you've heard the answer many times over: "Be at peace! You're right on schedule. There is nothing to do."
" 'I need do nothing' is a statement of allegiance, a truly undivided loyalty. Believe it for just one instant, and you will accomplish more than is given to a century of contemplation, or of struggle against temptation." (ACIM Text Chap. 22)
But what do you do in a world of people who keep doing ... and screwing things up?
Oh that's right, you do nothing ... you wait ... and see what happens. If you try to do something to counteract those who are doing, you get yourself into do-do, wouldn't you say?
"But what if I quiet my mind, perish all thought of doing, wait peacefully ... and I hear to do something?"
That was the experience of Helen Schucman, wasn't it? Helen was peacefully resting one night and heard something like: "Get a pencil and paper, and take notes; this is a course in miracles." So did Helen initiate doing? Or was Jesus Christ the initiator, the doer through Helen?
As long as you still think of yourself as a human being on earth, it is well to become an instrument of God like Helen, as in the prayer of St. Francis: "Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace." We become an instrument of God when we heed our still, quiet spiritual voice saying, "Listen inside, and do as told."
But as an instrument of God, you are not the initiator of doing, are you? As an instrument of God, you would be like a football player taking a hand-off from Jesus and making a touchdown. You would then see the score as God sees it: Holy Spirit 7, Ego nothing.
"...nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdomLuke 17:21)
Click below for more information on A Course in Miracles Light Sessions:
Holy Instant Christian Fellowship in Salt Lake City
One of the prime conflicts in early Christianity, a conflict which has continued to this day, is the faith vs. works conflict. Does reaching the goal require works, or only faith?
The Apostle Paul argued that only faith is required. Paul wrote to the Romans: "For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from [independent of] works of the Law." (Romans 3:28)
The brother of Jesus, James, the disciple who for years led the followers of the Way in Jerusalem, answered: "You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone." (James 2:24)
As you might expect, theologians and scholars have attempted to reconcile these two viewpoints with all sorts of complicated intellectual spinning and twisting. But Jesus himself compares such mental efforts to children confusing themselves :
"We are not concerned with intellectual feats nor logical toys. We are dealing only in the very obvious, which has been overlooked in the clouds of complexity in which you think you think." (ACIM Lesson 39)
In his revelation for the 21st Century, A Course in Miracles, Jesus emphasizes again and again that there is nothing to do, and in fact your entire world of pain, sickness, suffering and death is created by doing.
"There is nothing you need do but wait ... and see what happens." We've repeated this guidance from our holy spirit so many times it's beginning to sound like a boring liturgy in danger of losing its meaning.
This is such a hard lesson to learn ... learning to do nothing ... isn't it? How many times have you asked our holy spirit, "What should I be doing? Should I be doing something?" Surely if you are clearly hearing your holy spirit you've heard the answer many times over: "Be at peace! You're right on schedule. There is nothing to do."
" 'I need do nothing' is a statement of allegiance, a truly undivided loyalty. Believe it for just one instant, and you will accomplish more than is given to a century of contemplation, or of struggle against temptation." (ACIM Text Chap. 22)
But what do you do in a world of people who keep doing ... and screwing things up?
Oh that's right, you do nothing ... you wait ... and see what happens. If you try to do something to counteract those who are doing, you get yourself into do-do, wouldn't you say?
"But what if I quiet my mind, perish all thought of doing, wait peacefully ... and I hear to do something?"
That was the experience of Helen Schucman, wasn't it? Helen was peacefully resting one night and heard something like: "Get a pencil and paper, and take notes; this is a course in miracles." So did Helen initiate doing? Or was Jesus Christ the initiator, the doer through Helen?
As long as you still think of yourself as a human being on earth, it is well to become an instrument of God like Helen, as in the prayer of St. Francis: "Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace." We become an instrument of God when we heed our still, quiet spiritual voice saying, "Listen inside, and do as told."
But as an instrument of God, you are not the initiator of doing, are you? As an instrument of God, you would be like a football player taking a hand-off from Jesus and making a touchdown. You would then see the score as God sees it: Holy Spirit 7, Ego nothing.
Each month our Holy Spirit gives a message of prophetic revelation which helps individuals open spiritually and understand Jesus' teaching.
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"...nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdomLuke 17:21)
Click below for more information on A Course in Miracles Light Sessions:
Holy Instant Christian Fellowship in Salt Lake City