Heaven Scent
Flowers everywhere! Everywhere flowers! Purple, orange, pinkish-purple, blue, white, gold, red, even more merry gold! Flowers inviting people to choose happiness! You feel like dancing around a May Pole singing: "In the merry, merry month of May!"
A season of joy! Approaching forty days after the resurrection ... an entire season of forgiveness.
Flowers don't judge. They give of themselves. Flowers don't frown. They smile. Flowers are the essence of radiating into the world. They are heaven's symbol of forgiveness, of acceptance, of reminder that everything is just exactly as it should be. Flowers are mankind's guide to a heavenly state of mind.
To be sure, Jesus used the analogy of little children: He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18: 2-3)
Jesus at one point used flowers to teach: Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. (Luke 12:27)
But maybe if there had been flowers available in the instance when he called the little child, he might have said: “Truly I tell you, unless you be like little flowers, you cannot experience the kingdom of heaven."
Beyond the age of little children, the human condition includes judging and frowning, inventing and holding onto grievances, closing down one's radiance because everything is imagined to be not as it should be. Jesus is telling us we can let go. Whatever it is, we can let it be. We don't have to "Umph!" in our minds, close down our radiance, and pretend our world wouldn't be so frustrating if only things were different. We can accept everything just the way it is right now every moment. Just accept. And that's what Jesus calls "forgiveness."
In common usage forgiveness refers to letting go of a grievance, usually for a perceived wrong in the past. Jesus expands the idea. Why not let go of grieving over future possibilities? Why not let go of grief over what is in our awareness right now? It is not what is happening outside of us that is closing down our radiance and keeping us from experiencing heaven. It is what is happening in our mind right now, the way we are choosing to see.
In his revelation for the 21st Century, A Course in Miracles, Jesus says it this way: Forgiveness turns the world of sin into a world of glory, wonderful to see. Each flower shines in light, and every bird sings of the joy of Heaven. There is no sadness and there is no parting here, for everything is TOTALLY forgiven. (ACIM Text Chap. 26)
Totally forgiving means no grievance is formed in mind, neither having to do with the past, the present, nor the future. With no grievance forming in mind, there is no closing down. There is only peace. Peace is radiated to the world ... and in that radiance is the experience of heaven.
Those who offer peace to everyone have found a home in Heaven the world can NOT destroy. For it is large enough to hold the world within its peace. In YOU is all of Heaven; every leaf that falls is given life in you. Each bird that ever sang will sing again in you. And every flower that ever bloomed has saved its perfume and its loveliness for you. (ACIM Text Chap. 25)
Wouldn't it be something if every flower that ever bloomed is you reminding yourself of who you really are, reminding yourself that there is another way of being besides frowning and judging, rejecting, condemning or feeling annoyed ... a way of radiance and joy?
In the Northern Hemisphere, a popular saying is: "April showers bring May flowers."
Wouldn't it be amazing if April showers were showers of God's grace as the resurrection opened the heavens?
Wouldn't it be surprising if May flowers are you ... you ascended and shining in all your heavenly glory?
Wouldn't it be wonderful if Jesus Christ showed the way, but it is you who have chosen to be known as heaven scent?
Each month our Holy Spirit gives a message of prophetic revelation which helps individuals open spiritually and understand Jesus' teaching.
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"...nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you. (Luke 17:21)
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Holy Instant Christian Fellowship in Salt Lake City